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Dental Cleaning

When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?

It’s important to schedule an appointment with an experienced pediatric dentist as soon as possible after their first baby tooth erupts (usually between 6-12 months), so they can begin learning healthy habits early in life that will help ensure lifelong oral health! At this appointment, the pediatric dentist will review basic oral hygiene techniques with both you and your child while also providing preventive care such as examining their mouth for any potential problems like cavities or misalignment of their bite (occlusion).

Are dental cleanings covered by insurance?

Most dental insurance plans will cover all or part of the cost of routine preventive care such as professional teeth cleanings and exams. Additionally, many plans also include coverage for additional treatments such as X-rays or fluoride treatments when necessary. Check with your insurance provider for specific coverage details related to your plan. 

How do dental cleanings work?

During a professional dental cleaning, the dentist or hygienist will use specialized tools to gently remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth and along your gum line. They may also floss between each tooth before polishing them with special instruments that help make them feel smooth and shiny. In some cases, they might also apply fluoride treatments to strengthen enamel and protect against tooth decay. 

How often should I see the dentist?

The Canadian Dental Association recommends that adults visit their dentist at least twice a year for regular check-ups and professional teeth cleanings. However, depending on your individual oral health needs and risk factors, your dentist may recommend more frequent visits. For instance, if you are at an increased risk of cavities or gum disease or have other oral health issues, you may need to visit the dentist more regularly for evaluations and cleanings.

Do dental cleanings hurt?

Generally, no, dental cleanings do not hurt. During a cleaning, your hygienist uses a special tool to scrape away any tartar buildup on your teeth and along your gum line. This process may cause a slight sensation due to the pressure that applied to your teeth, but it should not be uncomfortable or painful. If you experience pain during a cleaning, tell your dentist right away.

Dental Implants

How long do implants last?

With proper care and maintenance – including regular brushing and flossing - dental implants can last for decades, depending on individual oral hygiene habits and overall health condition. Studies have shown that 95% of successful dental implants last ten years or more without failing! With regular checkups at least twice each year, however, most people should expect their dental implants will remain functional far longer than that timeframe assuming good oral hygiene practices are followed.

What are the pros of getting an implant?

There are many advantages to getting dental implants, including increased confidence when smiling due to implanted teeth looking more natural than traditional dentures or bridges. Patients enjoy greater stability compared to other prosthetic alternatives and improved ability to chew food. Dental implants also have a longer lifetime than other treatments due to their durability. 

How long does it take to get an implant?

Getting an implant typically takes multiple visits over several months. The total time frame depends on how many teeth need to be replaced, whether additional procedures like bone grafting are required first, and how quickly a patient heals between appointments. In general, each stage of the process (implant placement, abutment installation, and crown attachment) usually takes two visits spread out over several weeks or months to allow for proper healing and integration of the implant into bone tissue before loading it with artificial teeth. 

What are implants made out of?

Dental implants are typically made from titanium, a metal alloy that is safe to use in the human body and non-toxic. Other materials, such as zirconia, can also be used for the implant, which can be better suited for certain patients with allergies or sensitivities to metals. The material chosen depends on individual needs and preferences. 

Do implants hurt?

Generally speaking, getting dental implants does not cause any pain, as the procedure is performed with local anesthesia and sedation. While there may be some minor discomfort after the procedure, any minor soreness should be manageable with over-the-counter medications or home remedies. The implant has no pain or sensitivity as it is made from a biocompatible material.

Dental Emergency

Can I go to the emergency room if something is wrong with my tooth?

In general, the emergency room is not equipped to handle dental emergencies. While they may be able to provide temporary relief from pain or minor treatment for facial trauma related to an accident, they will typically refer you to a local dentist for further care. In some cases, they may even recommend hospitalization if signs of a serious infection or other complications require specialized care.

Do I really need to see a dentist during a dental emergency?

While it may be tempting to try to treat a dental emergency at home with home remedies or over-the-counter medications, it is always recommended to visit an experienced dental professional. An emergency dentist has the necessary tools and expertise to properly diagnose and treat your condition without compromising your long-term oral health.

What counts as a dental emergency?

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is important to seek immediate attention from a dental professional: severe pain or infection in the mouth, jaw, or teeth, toothaches, chipped or broken teeth, lost fillings, trauma to the face or mouth, fractured jaw, abscesses in the gums and/or teeth, gum swelling and pain, and wisdom tooth issues.


What does Invisalign treat?

Invisalign is used to treat a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crooked teeth, overcrowding, and gaps between teeth. Invisalign can also help to correct bite issues, such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite.

Can teenagers get Invisalign?

Yes, teenagers can get Invisalign. Many teenagers choose Invisalign because it is a discrete and convenient way to straighten their teeth. If your teenager is interested in Invisalign, it's a good idea to have them visit a certified Invisalign provider for a consultation. The provider can determine if Invisalign is a good option for your teenager and create a customized treatment plan.

How long does Invisalign take?

On average, Invisalign treatment takes about 12-18 months to complete. However, the exact length of treatment will depend on the severity of your misalignment and your treatment plan. It's essential to wear your aligners as prescribed by your provider to ensure that you achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Does insurance cover Invisalign?

It's possible that your dental insurance may cover some or all of the cost of Invisalign treatment. It's always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to find out what your coverage includes. Some insurance plans have an orthodontic benefit that can be used towards the cost of Invisalign or other types of orthodontic treatment.

How much does Invisalign cost?

The cost of Invisalign treatment can vary depending on the severity of your misalignment, the complexity of your case, and your individual treatment plan. It's important to keep in mind that orthodontic treatment is an investment in your oral health and overall well-being. Many patients find that the benefits of straight teeth and a healthy bite are well worth the cost.

Teeth Whitening

How long does teeth whitening last?

The length of time that your teeth remain white after professional treatment depends mainly on lifestyle habits like diet, smoking, and oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice daily and flossing once daily. On average, you can expect results that last for six months up to two years, depending on these factors; however, it is possible, with proper care and maintenance, to keep your smile looking great even longer!

Does teeth whitening hurt?

During most professional teeth whitening procedures, some patients may experience mild tooth sensitivity for up to 24 hours after their appointment – usually during eating or drinking hot/cold beverages – but this should pass quickly and not cause any lasting pain or discomfort. It’s important to talk with your dentist beforehand if you have any concerns about sensitivity so they can make sure you have a comfortable experience during your treatment. 

How long does teeth whitening at the dentist take?

Depending on the treatment type, professional teeth whitening can take anywhere from half an hour to a couple hours. Our treatments typically last 30 minutes. Your dentist will be able to give you an estimate of how long your particular treatment will take. 

Is teeth whitening safe?

Absolutely! Professional teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to brighten your smile. When performed by a qualified dental professional, it is considered a very low-risk procedure that can produce dramatic results without causing damage to the enamel of your teeth. 

How much does teeth whitening at the dentist cost?

The cost of teeth whitening at the dentist can vary depending on the type of procedure you get and the number of appointments required to achieve your desired results. Talk to your dentist to discuss the pricing options available. 


How long does it take to get veneers?

The length of time required to place dental veneers varies depending on the patient's individual needs and goals – as well as if any restoration work needs to be done before placing the new smile makeover! Typically, getting dental veneers takes two visits over 2-3 weeks apart, where impressions are taken during your initial visit before the treatment begins at your second appointment when your dentist bonds them into place. During those two visits, there will also be discussions about colour choice, shape, and other adjustments based on how you would like your new smile to look before cementing them permanently!

Do veneers hurt?

Veneer placement is painless because a local anesthetic will be used during the procedure to ensure comfort throughout the entire process. Afterward, some moderate sensitivity may occur due to slight tissue irritation around the teeth as they adjust. However, this will subside within a few days following treatment. 

How long do veneers last?

The lifespan of dental veneers varies depending on the type used and how well they are cared for. Generally speaking, porcelain veneers have a longer lifespan than composite resin ones; with proper care, porcelain veneers have been known to last up to 20 years or longer, while composite resin material may need replacement in as little as five years.

What are veneers made out of?

Dental veneers are typically made from either composite resin material or porcelain. Both types of veneers offer advantages and disadvantages. Porcelain is known for its natural appearance and durability, but it can be more difficult to adjust after placement than composite resin material. Composite resin veneers are generally less expensive than porcelain but require more maintenance as they can stain over time. Our practice uses porcelain for our veneers, providing our patients with beautiful, lasting results.

Are veneers expensive?

Cosmetic dental veneers can be a more expensive option than other teeth whitening or dental bonding, depending on the type, materials, and the number of veneers needed. Additionally, insurance does not cover this procedure since it is a cosmetic treatment. It is important to note that you should always speak with your dentist about cost and payment options before beginning treatment.

Smile Shapers Napanee is here to make you smile.